Tag: Tennis

Sit Back and Enjoy the Lines

Sit Back and Enjoy the Lines

Looking at this project’s final outcome in action is one of the best experiences one can imagine. For the last month, I have been able to be part of and witness two major events in my creative work – the amazing game between Emma Smith 

Imaginary World

Imaginary World

When the Alice in Wonderland movie came out, I was really skeptical about the way Tim Burton would convey the concept of being lost in an imaginary world that was so key to my childhood. And if it wasn’t done right, it would definitely ruin the entire 



After bringing my designs to life, the time has definitely come to put some instructions in the pack.

Continue reading /Instructions/

The Kids Move from Room 402

The Kids Move from Room 402

Once making sure that the cover (mood board) is right and sound, I decided to dive a bit deeper and get going with the wording (illustrations and range plans).



Redecorating my imaginary world again!

Back to Life

Back to Life

Luckily, after so many wrong turns in my project, I, just like Alice, found the right key to the tiny door. I am also well aware that this is just the beginning of a number of other problems I will need to solve (adventures), so I can’t wait to begin. Continue reading Back to Life

Failures Also Go on the Wall

Failures Also Go on the Wall

No wonder mommy always says ‘When you buy shoes, always walk around the shop twice before buying them.’ Dad says: ‘When you buy a book, read random pages rather than the description at the back.’

Falling down a rabbit hole

Falling down a rabbit hole

Maybe falling down a rabbit hole is an adventure everyone should go through in order to learn how to deal with reality. After all, Alice always relied on her dreams to teach her how to face important decisions in her life. Besides, she eventually became a captain 



Creating illustrations for the tennis collection started as something I thought I had to just get done, but in fact, the whole process evolved into something extremely inspiring, as my work on this part of the project reflects my concept perfectly. Continue reading Illusion



When creating the range plans for the whole tennis collection I had to keep two rules in mind – it has to incorporate the three main court colors, and it has to reflect the range plans for the womenswear collection. Starting from these key points,